By Jackie Jackson
Your Ajna Chakra, often referred to as the Third Eye energy center, is your gateway to intuition, wisdom, and accessing your internal guidance system. Located at the center of your forehead, this energy center governs your ability to see beyond the physical, tapping into deep inner knowing, clairvoyance and your psychic senses, even. When your Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you feel focused, determined, and open to receiving guidance from both your inner self and the external world. But, when out of balance, it can manifest as confusion, headaches, insomnia, and even a sense of being stuck in the past.
Balancing your Third Eye Chakra calls for a holistic approach so incorporate practices that nourish both your mind and body. Below, we’ll explore a curated set of embodiment techniques—yoga, mantra, mudra, affirmations, visualization, meditation, and sound healing—that will help you harness the power of your Third Eye Chakra and enhance your intuition.
1. Yoga for the Third Eye Chakra
Yoga postures (asanas) are an excellent way to align and open the Third Eye Chakra. The following poses are designed to stimulate the Ajna Chakra, enhance focus, and promote clarity:
Chair Pose with Eye Circles: Start in Chair Pose (Utkatasana), and slowly circle your eyes in all directions. This helps activate the muscles around the eyes and stimulates the Third Eye Chakra.
Side Chair Twist with Gaze Point: From Chair Pose, twist your torso to one side and find a gaze point at eye level. This practice sharpens your focus and directs energy to the Third Eye.
Eagle Pose (Garudasana): This pose not only promotes balance but also requires deep concentration, directing energy to the Third Eye.
Chin-on-Floor Backbend: Lying on your stomach, bring your chin to the floor and lift your chest. This pose activates the forehead and enhances blood flow to the Third Eye area.
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): A deep hip opener that also encourages introspection and mindfulness, essential for Third Eye activation.
Dolphin Pose to Plank: Transitioning between Dolphin Pose and Plank strengthens the upper body while drawing awareness to the Third Eye through focus and breath.
2. Mantra and Sound Healing
The mantra for the Third Eye Chakra is AUM (or OM), the sound of the universe vibrating. Chanting this mantra helps to harmonize the vibrations of the Ajna Chakra, fostering a deeper connection to your intuition and psychic abilities.
Keynote: The keynote for the Third Eye is the musical note A. Listening to or chanting in this frequency can further activate and balance the chakra.
Element: The Ajna Chakra is associated with the element of inner sound. Regularly engaging in sound meditation, whether through chanting or listening to specific tones, can bring this chakra into balance.
3. Mudra for Intuition and Focus
Mudras, or hand gestures, are powerful tools for channeling energy. The recommended mudra for the Third Eye Chakra is “Heart Hands” with Middle Fingers Extended and Touching.
How to Practice: Bring your hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other. Allow the tips of your middle fingers to touch, pointing upward, while the remaining fingers curl into the palms. This mudra focuses energy at the Third Eye, enhancing clarity and insight. It looks like hands making a heart but with the middle fingers straight and touching each other.
4. Affirmations for the Third Eye Chakra
Affirmations are positive statements that help reprogram the subconscious mind. When repeated regularly, these affirmations can strengthen the energy of the Third Eye Chakra:
I pay attention to direction from within.
I always know what to do in any given situation.
I see clearly.
I am in tune with my internal guidance system.
These affirmations can be spoken aloud, written down, or incorporated into a daily meditation practice.
5. Visualization and Meditation
Visualization is a key practice for balancing the Third Eye Chakra. Begin by closing your eyes and focusing on the space between your eyebrows. Imagine a vibrant indigo light glowing at your Third Eye, expanding with each breath.
Meditation Technique: Practice Drishti (a focused gaze) during meditation by gently focusing on the space between your eyebrows. This practice not only stimulates the Third Eye Chakra but also enhances concentration and mental clarity.
6. Connect with Archangel Gabriel
Want to experience the divine? Archangel Gabriel is often associated with the Third Eye Chakra, offering guidance in creativity, communication, and nurturing your inner self. Invoking Archangel Gabriel during your meditation or prayer can enhance your connection to your intuition and inner wisdom.
Embodying Your Intuition
By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you can awaken and balance your Third Eye Chakra, opening yourself to the profound wisdom and guidance that lies within. Embrace these techniques with dedication and an open heart, and watch as your intuition becomes a powerful tool in your life.
Remember: Your Third Eye Chakra is your inner compass, guiding you through the complexities of life with clarity and insight. Trust in its wisdom, and allow it to illuminate your path.
Want more? This blog was inspired by my upcoming book, Holistic Trauma Healing: Strategies to Integrate the Body, Mind, and Spirit, from Llewellyn World Wide in June 2025. I offer Chakra Balancing Embodiment Workshops, classes, and retreats online and in-person, too!
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Namaste friends, Jackie